TreeSystem has a new look!
We are pleased to present the new company logo, previewed at Key Energy in Rimini last March.
The restyling of the logo encloses the history of TreeSystem and maintains its recognisability, however transmitting a new, more modern and future-oriented image, to reflect a company in constant growth and evolution .
The green soul and the reference to the patented anchorage inspired by the roots of a tree remain the cornerstones of our corporate identity, thanks to its 13 years of experience and successes in the world of ground structures for solar energy.
Inviaci un messaggio

TreeSystem Srl
Piva: 04493170288

Via Moraro 22 - 35020 Pozzonovo (PD)
Sede legale e produttiva
Sede legale e produttiva

Via E. Bernardi 2 – 35020 Arre (PD)
Uffici e magazzini
Uffici e magazzini

Tel: +39 049 785 1916